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Give your plants a boost of flower-boosting energy when they need it most. Bud Candy® contains a premium blend of carbohydrates that, together with magnesium, create optimal conditions for increased flower growth and enhancement of desired flavors.

  • Carbohydrates feed beneficial microbes and create ideal conditions for root spread for abundant yields
  • Magnesium supports optimal conditions for chlorophyll production, which can increase photosynthesis ability

Bud Candy® Water Soluble Powder is specifically designed for use with various hydroponic growing media and all continuous liquid feed growing systems such as aeroponics, drip irrigation and emitters, NFT, flood and drain, and deep water culture.

ATTENTION: Bud Candy® this product is fully compatible with all pH Perfect Base nutrients as well as with all non-pH Perfect Base nutrients and nutritional supplements as well as all basic nutrients and nutritional supplements of competitors

NOTE: At Advanced Nutrients, we do not use paclobutrazol, daminozide or other banned plant growth regulators in our products.

Bud Candy

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