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Our Ph.D. plant scientists designed pH Perfect® Grow, Micro, Bloom with simplicity in mind. This next-generation three-part basic solution maintains the pH of a high-quality crop in the ideal range while delivering a broad range of bioavailable nutrients for high-yielding crops.

  • Optimal ratios of micro, secondary and macro nutrients unlock plant potential
  • Free yourself from the tedious pH adjustment with pH Perfect® technology
  • Promote maximum nutrient uptake through a surfactant and chelation through humic acids in the medium

pH Perfect® Grow, Micro, Bloom is specifically designed for use with various hydroponic growing media and all continuous liquid feed growing systems such as aeroponics, drip irrigation and emitters, NFT, flood and drain, and deep water culture.

NOTE: At Advanced Nutrients, we do not use paclobutrazol, daminozide or other banned plant growth regulators in our products.

pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom

SKU: GrowMicroBloom
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